Saturday, October 3, 2009

Making baby food!

Yes, I have made some of my own baby food. I am not making 100% of what he eats since it is easier to just buy jars. It is hard with working full time. When I come home from work, it usually is breastfeeding my son and trying to throw some food together for dinner.

I have made the following items: (not many)

*Acorn Squash - microwave for several minutes after poking holes in it.
*Butternut Squash - same as above
*Carrots - baby carrots microwaved in steam bags from ziploc, then pureed in food processor. I use a kidco food processor, but any small one would work fine. I did make carrots, but I've heard that carrots contain a lot of nitrates and you shouldn't puree them. I would do more research before doing this. We used organic carrots, but I think the issue still exists (oops). I'm not sure how the jar carrots get around this...
*Avocado - one of the first food I did after banana (didn't freeze well for me)
*Banana -just pureed in food processor (didn't freeze well for me)
*Zucchini and yellow squash - I did not remove the skin - just steamed in bags and pureed. I love the color. I got the idea from the site below. My son loved this one. One of his favorites...
*Peaches - just pureed after cutting, did not steam.

I bought the squash and zucchini at the farmers market in some cases. The squash was cheaper than at the grocery store. Pickle mom (link below) says apples are cheaper by the jar and not homemade. As stated in a previous post, we use Earth's best baby jars.

All items were frozen using kidco freezer trays. I have two. After they are frozen, I take them out and put in bags for daycare (just big freezer bags).

This is also my favorite site for recipes. I admit that I only make easy stuff, but you can make some baby food even if you work a lot like me. I like saving money and doing baby food at home when I have time.

I also don't use formula in my recipes, but I know pickle mom does and talks about how to do that. We just use water.

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