Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sleep expectations

Every child is different. If you had one where they slept through the night (STTN) at 12wks (10 to 12hrs or more), you are probably in the minority.

Babies have an extreme small stomach that grows over time. Because of this, they have to eat very frequently. In the first week of life, their stomach is the size of a cherry. Imagine if your stomach was that small, you would be hungry all the time too.

Most people consider STTN to be 5 hrs or more. consider yourself lucky if you child does that before 6wks as that is not the norm.

Babies are all over the place with regards to sleep. Whatever your child does is most likely normal, every child adjusts to sleep differently. My son just hates napping so he naps at 22m about 1 hr a day where most kids his age do 2-3 hrs. Man, I am jealous, but he just likes to be awake more. :)

My son slept 5 hrs in a row around 11months - yup, the first time. My daughter was about 3 or 4 weeks old.

Understand that most kids will sleep 10-12 hrs around 1 year or age - according to my pediatrician.

My 3 m daughter wakes up once a night to eat, but it may just be out of habit. I still do it though as my kids don't take a pacifier. I wasn't against it, but they just didn't take it and it was fine for me.

Here is a good article that talks about sleep:

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